Justyna Nowak

A solid qualitative-quantitative researcher.

Finds it especially satisfying, when she can get from qualitative details to quantitative granularities. Specifically, this means looking at an example of Ms Smith, who always deposits her cash at her favorite ATM machine on Sienkiewicza street, because that’s close to the bakery with the best sweet buns, and then moving from that example to a strategic map of ATM locations in the Podkarpackie province. She has gained her experience and continues to learn at larger and smaller research agencies, NGOs and institutions.

It never ceases to surprise her when people don’t know where her small hometown of Biecz is located. One of the three original “Topolekas”, founders of the ToPole Foundation, where research blends with education, watchdog activism and arborism, all for protecting the natural environment, especially the trees.